Asked on Nov 05, 2019

How do I make fall leaf luminaries?

Doris V
by Doris V

I saw someone making gorgeous luminaries with fall leaves, and I want to give it a try. Do you have any ideas on how to make them?

Leaf Luminaries

  9 answers
  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Nov 06, 2019

    Hello Doris,

    Clear Glass Tumblers or Jars. Collection of Leaves. Mod Podge. Spread the Mod Podge on the underside of the leaves and stick to the Glass (overlapping if required.

    When happy with design, Mod Podge allover to seal. Add Nightlight and there you have it. Enjoy.........

  • Recreated Designs Recreated Designs on Nov 06, 2019

    Hi Doris, here are some I made from an old glass vase. Hope this helps.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Nov 11, 2019

    Hello Doris,

    Stick Leaves to outsides of Jars/Glasses using glue or Mod Podge. Finish with Mod Podge to seal if required, then pop a night light inside. Hope that helps!

  • Another easy way to do it is to decoupage leaves onto a battery operated candle. It gives a warm glow and it looks great.

  • Get colorful autumn leaves and clean glass jars to make fall leaf luminaries. Carefully lay the leaves on the jars using decoupage glue. Let dry and apply another coat of glue to seal. To create a warm, fall ambience, place an LED candle or tealight within.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on May 03, 2024

    Take a look here:

  • Deb K Deb K on May 03, 2024

    Hi Doris, hope this inspires you.

    1. Collect fresh fall or faux autumn leaves. ...
    2. Clean and press leaves. ...
    3. Cut strips of tissue paper. ...
    4. Brush glue onto a mason or canning jar. ...
    5. Lay the strips of tissue paper on top of the glue and wrap them around the bottom of the jar.
    6. Wrap each strip around the bottom and cover it with more glue,
    7. Gently brush glue on top of each tissue paper once placed on the jar
    8. Gently arrange each leaf onto the mason jar and glue it down.
    9. Some leaves can be applied to the jar without adding extra glue, while others are easier to attach to the canning jar when the glue is brushed onto the bottom of the leaf before placing it onto the jar.
    10. Some leaves can be applied to the jar without adding extra glue, while others are easier to attach to the canning jar when the glue is brushed onto the bottom of the leaf before placing it onto the jar.
    11. Place the leaf lantern upside down to dry
    12. Add a mason jar handle, string, or finger-knit yarn to the top of your fairy jar under the threads (optional).

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on May 05, 2024

    Using ModPodge stick leaves to outsside of jars. and add tealight inside.