Used Tea Bags: A Natural Pest Repellent for Your Home and Garden

Hey there, fellow homekeepers!

Today, I've got a fantastic little tip up my sleeve that's going to revolutionize the way you deal with pests— used tea bags!

Those little sachets of goodness you usually steep in hot water have a secret power beyond just making a refreshing beverage.

Mosquitoes, and many other insects, hate tea, especially the peppermint variety. Plus, it even works on mice!

So, let’s brew up a cup of tea and get rid of those pesky pests!

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Hang your tea bags out to dry

Best peppermint oil!

Repel pests this spring with this bestseller peppermint oil pest spray that Amazon reviewers swear by!

1. Brew and Repel

Allow your used tea bags to dry out for about two days, making sure they contain no moisture.

Other uses for used tea bags

2. Outdoor Placement

Take those used tea bags and strategically place them around your garden, near your plants. The scent of the tea will act as a barrier, deterring insects and rodents from feasting on your precious greens.

Plus, it's a natural alternative to chemical repellents, preserving the health of your garden and its ecosystem.

Tea bags - a subtle yet effective way to maintain a pest-free home without harsh chemicals

3. Indoor Defense

The benefits of tea bags don't stop at the garden gate! Indoors, you can use brewed tea bags to keep pesky pests like ants and flies at bay.

Simply place them in areas where these insects tend to frequent.

How to maintain a pest-free home

I love to amplify the benefits of tea by incorporating it with other bug-deterring herbs like lavender or rosemary, creating a functional and decorative piece.

Hang these delightful bundles on command hooks near entryways and windowsills.

Positioning these peppermint tea bouquets in corners will dissuade spiders from weaving webs.

DIY tea bag repellent

Alternatively, you can repurpose dried used tea bags by placing them in a bowl and sprinkling them with rosemary or lavender. This aromatic concoction can then be tucked away in your pantry or food cabinets, acting as a deterrent against mice and insects.

The aroma of peppermint is particularly effective at repelling pests. Consider adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the tea bags to enhance this effect. Additionally, unused peppermint tea bags tend to retain a stronger scent, making them even more effective in keeping pests at bay.

Remember to add a new tea bag every few days to keep the effect active.

More Tea Bag Secrets

If you’re looking for other ways to reuse teabags, check out this Natural Window Cleaning tutorial.

Used Tea Bags: A Natural Pest Repellent

So there you have —a simple, natural, and eco-friendly way to fend off pests using nothing more than little tea bags. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you! And if you've got any other creative uses for tea bags, I'd love to hear about them in the comments below.

Happy gardening and pest-free living!

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  • Leslie Leslie on Mar 28, 2024
    I wonder why if you put the tea bags outside for pest control where it is going to rain, why would you let them dry out first?
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  • Sandra Sauls Sandra Sauls on Mar 27, 2024
    Just grow mint, but keep it in a pot as it is invasive!
  • Rebecca Rebecca on Mar 28, 2024
    Great post! I use brewed tea bags( emptied) with coffee ground in my garden on acidic loving plants. Great fertilizer for hydrangeas, roses, ferns and more.