How to Create a Homemade Fly Repellent | Natural Pest Control Method

Reclaim your home from buzzing invaders with this homemade fly repellent.

Using everyday items like a spice container, sponge, and potent essential oils, you can concoct a powerful defense against unwanted pests.

Tools and Materials:

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1. Prepare the Container

Start by grabbing an empty spice container jar. These jars are perfect for this project because the lid already has holes, which can be left open or closed using the flap.

Fly repellent home remedy

2. Prepare the Sponge Insert

Flip the container upside down, placing the lid side onto the sponge. Trace around the container onto the sponge.

Natural fly repellent

Carefully cut along the marked line.

Once the sponge is trimmed to size, insert it into the container to ensure a perfect fit before proceeding to the next step.

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3. Infuse with Essential Oil

Add 20 to 30 drops of lavender oil to the sponge.

Close the lid and let the oil absorb into the sponge for a day.

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The scent of lavender is known to deter flies effectively, making it an ideal oil for this project.

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4. Camouflage the Container (optional)

As the essential oil infuses, consider adding a decorative touch to the container.

This step is entirely optional, allowing you to personalize your diffuser to your liking.

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Wrap an elastic band around the container.

Plants that repel flies

Insert dried herb sprigs such as lavender, rosemary, and eucalyptus into the elastic, so they sit securely against the container. These herbs add charm and are all plants that repel flies naturally.

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To cover up the elastic band and keep everything together, I decided to slip an old sock over the base of the container for a cleaner finish.

How to deter flies outside

After 24 hours of marinating, open the flaps of the spice container lid.

Place your homemade fly repellent in areas where flies tend to gather, such as near windows or doors.

You can also insert a few dried herb sprigs into the holes of the lid for an added visual appeal.

Replenish the essential oil occasionally to maintain its potency, as it may weaken over time when exposed to air.

Additional Tips for Effective Fly Control:

  • Consider planting herbs that deter flies such as basil, mint, and bay leaves around your home.
  • Experiment with other essential oils to repel flies such eucalyptus, rosemary, peppermint, and lemongrass. These oils are not only fragrant but also known for their fly repellent properties.
  • Keep your surroundings clean and free of food debris to get rid of flies naturally.

Ready to tackle another fly deterrent project?

Take a look at this tutorial on the Best Way to Keep Flies Away for another great idea!

Natural fly control using essential oils

Homemade Fly Repellent | Natural Pest Solutions

With this simple DIY project, you can enjoy a fly-free home and garden all summer long, without resorting to harsh chemicals.

Next time you host an outdoor BBQ, place these jars discreetly behind planters or between table centerpieces and decor to create a pleasant atmosphere while keeping flies away.

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