How do keep the plastic on solar lights from clouding over?

i have solar lights in my yard and i'm wondering how i can keep the sun from clouding the "glass" covers? the lights look so pretty!!! thnx!!!
  6 answers
  • Bobbie M Bobbie M on Jun 11, 2017

    Clear nail polish is perfect for rejuvenating plastic-covered solar cells that have become weathered and dull.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jun 11, 2017

    The covers get lots of pollen, dirt, rain, and other pollution. Then the sun bakes it on. Clean the covers, then squirt with Rain-X. You won't have long to wait to see if the Rain-X is working. Best wishes 😇

  • If they are the dollar store cheap plastic, the sun causes the damage. Sometimes it can't be reversed. Try to purchase solar lights with glass globes - easier to maintain. Good luck with the ones you already have.

  • Jan Clark Jan Clark on Jun 16, 2017

    Your problem is probably UV decomposing the plastic -- kind of like headlights on cars. Unfortunately, UV just can't be controlled. Pay the extra and get solar lights with glass covers or ones with no covers at all that point down. The solar cell's cover, also made of plastic, will also decompose and eventually won't work, either. You can use UV film to extend its life.

  • Angela Ley Angela Ley on Jul 18, 2017

    I have had much luck with clear nail polish

  • Damian Damian on May 17, 2024

    Any car cut and polish will rejuvenate the plastic then a squirt rain-x.

    See for yourself. 😁