Plastic Bag Dispenser From a Soda Bottle & CD

10 Materials
We have two versions of these, the other one shown on our site link at the bottom. They are perfect to hang anywhere including inside a cupboard!

2 Liter Plastic Bottle

1 CD or DVD

Spray paint of choice

Iron (optional, to round top edge of bottle)

Utility Knife

Hot Glue Gun

Command Strips (optional, for hanging)

Spray adhesive (optional, for applying cut out label)

Dry erase marker (optional, for marking your bottle)

Goo Gone (optional, for removing label residue)

Cut off the end that will be the dispenser end.
Cut off the top (of the dispenser) at the height you want.
For the TOP ONLY you can give it a nice finished edge by pushing the edge against a hot iron for a few seconds. THIS WILL NOT STICK TO YOUR IRON OR LEAVE ANY RESIDE. Ü
The iron gives it a nice rounded edge.
Paint your bottle.
Lable it with our FREE Label Printables Here (PDF and Silhouette version available.)
We made geometric shapes with with electrical tape. You can see a yellow dotted version on our site.)
Paint a CD or DVD and attach it with a ribbon hinge.
Fill your dispenser with bags. Hang on a wall or inside a cupboard using Command Strips.
Nancy at Craft Your Happiness
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Frequently asked questions
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3 of 27 questions
  • Nancy Nancy on Nov 23, 2022

    What kind of paint did you use for the bottle? Thank you.

  • Magi Magi on Feb 12, 2024

    I want to make an in expensive office desk

  • Char Kaminski Char Kaminski on May 21, 2024

    What is hydro dipping?

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2 of 219 comments
  • Ellen Ellen on May 05, 2023

    I think this would be perf

  • Bet61231686 Bet61231686 on Dec 07, 2023

    Love this idea we just got into hydro dipping so instead of painting it we are going to hydro dip our 2 liter to look like a marbled item or just give it some fun life! this is going to be awesome!
