I have flies can't get rid of them.no food left out. No fruit. Really

Carole Taurasi
by Carole Taurasi

I have fruit flies and can't get rid of them. I don't even have any food or fruit out.

  12 answers
  • Margaret Margaret on Dec 28, 2017

    treat your drains. that is where they lay eggs .

  • Joy30150932 Joy30150932 on Dec 28, 2017

    Fruit flies can be brought into the home with bananas, onions, etc. Try a dish covered in plastic and put a hole in the top so the flies can get in. The mix for the bowl is yeast, a little sugar, warm water, let rise. The smell of the yeast draws them in and they cannot get out. Another solution you could try is apple cider vinegar.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Dec 28, 2017

    Check to make sure they are not coming from houseplants. Also check wherever you keep things like squash and potatoes. At my moms, I couldn't figure out where they were coming from until I checked the closet she keeps her onions, squash and potatoes. One of the potatoes in the bottom of the basket went bad on one end and it was swarming with the little buggers. Put up fly paper, they may be ugly, but they really do help. Pour boiling water down the drains in the kitchen, they are attracted to the moisture that stays in the drains and any residual food in the disposal. Take out your kitchen garbage really frequently until the are gone, as they will get in the garbage and breed. I hope this helps!

  • Cyn27563097 Cyn27563097 on Dec 28, 2017

    i thought the she thing once n eventually found an old banana laying under something! That is the only way the flies will stick around- has to be fruit or something that you just haven't seen. My son's also used to throw food behind a cabinet that I never knew about till years later, lol, hate to admit it- but true. I knew when the one son told me that it was true- cause I knew that was something he would do. I wondered why they were so good about eating everything I fixed for them! Lol

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Apr 16, 2023

    Start with washing your fruits and veges because there are eggs on them. Then refrigerate them except the bananas. Since the eggs are now in the drain, you'll need to kill them with the baking soda/vinegar combo, when it stops fizzing, run hot water to flush it all out. Then cover your drain. For the flying ones, take 1/2 of a sticky cardboard (used for catching mice), peel off the protective layer and place a piece of decaying fruit in the center of it, The airborne ones will land and stay stuck, use the other half if needed.

  • Mogie Mogie on May 07, 2023

    Lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, clove and basil herbs and essential oils can be effective in detering and preventing fruit flies: Place herbal tea bags around your kitchen. Add a few drops of essential oils to cotton balls and put them where you've seen fruit flies.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on May 14, 2023

    Put Rosemary Lavender and other strong smelling herbs in a vase of water, that don't like that!

  • Buy sticky traps - available on Amazon.

  • You can check out this in-depth guide on how to get rid of fruit flies for more homemade traps, repellents, and prevention ideas: https://www.hometalk.com/diy/outdoor/pest-repeller/how-to-get-rid-of-fruit-flies-44422215