How to kill a yucca plant?

by Joan
It is about 15 years old. As for the babies, I believe I have that job done. Those were in the flower bed. I shoveled about 15 out. They are now in the community dump. The older plant is sort of on the border line of properties. On my side , between my son pulling with his truck, and my digging, there is still a huge root. It looks like bamboo in the mess. Any ideas greatly appreciated. Thanks. I have no idea where these came from. Got them killed before, but they were younger.
  7 answers
  • Brenda Brenda on Aug 30, 2016
    Finally got rid of mine! Digging only spreads the root system more! Cut off leaving about a foot of the plant. Apply Roundup to main stalk. May take a few times of doing this. It travels down to all roots and kills off the new baby plants.
  • Sophia,M.,McConnery Sophia,M.,McConnery on Aug 30, 2016
    Try a mixture of hot water,softener salt,and vinegar.That should kill it!Kill the roots as well,for no after growth!
  • Patti @Hearth and Vine Patti @Hearth and Vine on Aug 30, 2016
    They are really though. I've done all of the above and still have one to tackle. Keep after it and wear it down. :)
  • Marshane Lindstrom Marshane Lindstrom on Aug 30, 2016
    I dug out most of mine and put Roundup on the rest. The next year, there were babies growing. It took a couple of years of using Roundup to finally kill it all.
  • Joan Joan on Aug 30, 2016
    I. am still working on it, Have a mixture of 2 different weed killers, will put 2 together, Know that it kills, as have used some, on sidewalk weeds Thanks
  • Joan Joan on Aug 30, 2016
    See that at least 3 others are out back, Will dig them out, as they are little yet, then take to the dump. that we are allowed to use in our borough Thanks
  • RichandTammy Whiteside RichandTammy Whiteside on Sep 01, 2016
    If all else fails, you can always purchase some root killer and sprinkle it on to the base of the yucca after you've cut it down. Root killer is nothing more than copper sulfate pentahydrate (like I have a clue what that is). My sister, however, is a certified horticulturist and she has said that if you want to kill something like that, just nail a copper nail into it. Certainly couldn't hurt to try it!